A lil bit something different from my usual blog posts today. It is only 2 days until 2017. 2016 pass by like a wind. I thought I only enrolled college 2 weeks ago when it actually happened last. End of the year, the time of the year where we look back on the things that have happened this year. 2016 to me is like....truly surprising. Like opening a treasure chest full of gems. Delighting. The gems did not come literally in Rubies or Sapphires. But it came in form of open opportunities, chances, risks, happiness, joy, friendships, supports, personal growths and many happy things. Ofcourse, there were some obstacles too along the way. My life is not a fairytale. I remembered in my blog post earlier this year (or end of 2015) that my wish and pray for the new year 2016 was to be happy. Two days to end of 2016, I am concluding that the 'happy' that I prayed for has been answered. I am happier in 2016 than I am in 2015. The biggest change and step that I...